Gerard Wiegers
The essay studies the contribution of Moriiscos
to Arabic studies. It concludes that
the contributions of Moriscos in the Iberian
peninsula remained modest. Some contribuuted
actively to the knowledge of Arabic
through their Arabic-Islamic learning. I
show that the Mudejar convert known as
Juan Andrés, who wrote one of the most
influential treatises against Islam, was inddeed
a canon of the cathedral of Granada. I
briefly discuss the contribution of Moriscos
to the translations and interpretations of the
Lead Books and studied their post-expulssion
contribution to Arabic and Islamic
studies. The last part focuses on the Dutch
Republic, where, as a result of historical
circumstances and contingent factors such
as personal relations, Moriscos played an
important role. Here, in addition to the
study of the Arabic language itself, the
physical sciences played a noteworthy role.
This, I suggest, can be connected to the
broad scope of the emergence of Arabic
studies in Europe, which incorporated both
the physical sciences and religion and phillosophy,
and an interest in North Africa itsself
because of developments in the physiccal
sciences, including their application in
daily life.
Keywords: Mudejars; Moriscos; Conversos;
Arabic Studies; Natural Sciences; Morocco;
Contacts between Islam and the West; Religgious
Texts; Magical
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